August Virtual Forum: “Navigating Crucial Conversations”

A crucial conversation is a discussion characterized by high stakes, differing opinions, and strong emotions. There are many crucial conversation going on today in our world that, if mishandled, can lead to disastrous results in your personal life or at work. For crucial conversations to be constructive, they must have a shared purpose and the conditions must […]

October Virtual Forum: Intentional Leadership Workshop

Please join us on Wednesday, October 21st at 6:00 p.m. for our virtual Intentional Leadership Workshop led by  Mary Tomlinson, president of On-Purpose Partners. Mary works with businesses, non-profits and individuals, helping each achieve greater purpose and focus. Prior to owning her own business, Mary enjoyed an 18-year career with the Walt Disney Company where she was an executive […]

Third Thursdays

Join us the Third Thursday of each month for conversation and fellowship. No agenda other than to support our fellow Christian women in the marketplace. Click here for locations.

February Virtual Forum: 2021 Kick-Off Event


Join the conversation as we grow as leaders in 2021! Our theme this year is "just leadership". During the year we will explore what it means to act justly, love mercy, and serve with humility as leaders at work and in our community. On february 24th, we will discuss all of these concepts and will […]

J4 Book Group on “Generous Justice” by Tim Keller


Join us virtually to discuss Tim Keller’s book and how it applies to us as leaders today. Get your copy now and enrich the conversation by sharing your insights! It is commonly thought in secular society that the Bible is one of the greatest hindrances to doing justice. Isn’t it full of regressive views? Didn’t […]

April Virtual Forum: “Exploring Just Leadership”


Sign up for this incredible opportunity to have a conversation with Justice Jamie Grosshans of the Florida Supreme Court as she shares about what it means to be a just leader in today's world. Justice Jamie R. Grosshans was appointed to the Florida Supreme Court on September 14, 2020. Previously she was appointed to the […]

Suite Hour of Prayer

No matter what type of office you are working out of these days- whether it's your office suite or your kitchen, we hope you will join us over lunch for a time of prayer and reflection on Tuesday, November 10th. The Bible tells us that gathering together to pray is an effective and powerful way […]

August Forum – Reconnect & Continue the Conversation

Country Club of Orlando 1601 Country Club Drive, Orlando, FL, United States

Throughout the year we have been talking about what it means to be a Just Leader. Micah 6:8 tells us what is required of us — to act justly; love mercy; and walk humbly with our God. We are excited to reconnect with you and continue these conversations. Wine & appetizers will be provided. Donations […]

October Forum – Undone by Grace: The secret to walking humbly

Eclat Law Office 307 Cranes Roost Boulevard, Altamonte Springs, FL, United States

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, October 12th as we welcome Amanda Dukes, WESH 2 New Reporter and Anchor. A number of research studies have concluded that humility is a common trait in effective leaders.    Micah 6:8 tells us to serve God, we must walk humbly.  James 4:10 says when we humble ourselves, God will honor us. But […]

J4 Holiday Social Hour

Rocco's Italian Restaurant 400 S. Orlando Ave, Winter Park, FL, United States

We invite you to join us for a J4 Holiday Social Hour. It will be a great opportunity to catch-up with friends and make some new ones! * A cash bar and full menu will be available for purchase. We hope you can join us!!!

March Forum – Connecting Courageously

Wall Crawl 1016 West Church Street, Orlando, FL, United States

Please join us at Wall Crawl in downtown Orlando on March 22nd at 6:00 p.m. for an evening of fellowship, interactive activities and a whole lot of fun! It is $20 per person. Space is limited, so please register soon!

May Forum – “Courage Under Fire”

CI Group Orlando 20 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL, United States

Michele Rigby Assad joined the CIA in January 2002 and spent a decade working as an undercover intelligence officer in the Directorate of Operations. Specializing in counterterrorism and counterintelligence, Michele worked in Iraq as well as other secret Middle Eastern locations. To date, Michele has lived in six countries in the Near East region and […]